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Week 1: Calming Vibes?

I’ve never really taken an interest in yoga before so I have zero background knowledge on where to even start. I took my reserch to Youtube and found a video titled ”Yoga for beginners - 30 mintue- Beginner Yoga Class with Ashton August”. At first I was hesitant to do it so I kept pushing it off. The video took place is a room with just the instructer, lights, and her yoga mat. At the same time I sat in front of my latop with my own yoga mat under me. I had little expectations for this lesson.

One of the first things that I noticed about the instructer was that she had a very gentle and calming voice. The next thing I noticed is that she seemed relaxed and confident in what she was doing. I started off by taking deep breaths and centering myself. Even before starting the video I wanted to try to be in the moment to get the most out of this session. What I really liked about this instructer was that she adressed me as an individual and if felt like it was really a 1-on-1 session. Another thing that I liked was that she took the time to explain why we did a certain position and how to do it. Occocionally the person recording the video would zoom in to show where I should position my hands or what angle my body should be in.

I felt relaxed and felt calming vibes during this video because the instructer was giving off those vibes. The positions that she taught me seemed pretty eseay and I didn’t have a lot of problems fowllowing along. What made it easy to follow was that she did everything slowly and even talked about what not to do to while doing a specific position.

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1 comentario

19 sept 2020

good first entry. Keep giving the details of the class with each week's entry.

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