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Week 4: Anxiety and Stress

This week I followed along to a YouTube video called Yoga for Anxiety and Stress. The video was about twenty eight minutes long and was posted by Yoga with Adriene. The focus of this video was to try and destress. This week has been a lot for me and I was consumed with a lot of anxiety so I wanted to find a class that had a focus on anxiety and stress. Yoga has a history and connection with healing the mind and body. I really wanted to focus on the mind aspect this week. One thing that really stuck out to me was the instructor telling us to try to find inner peace and love while still staying grounded and breathing.

This class focused on clearing the mind and finding our balance and stability. Some of the poses that we did were the cat-cow, pranayama breathing, child's pose, open child's pose, downward facing dog, and two versions of the warrior pose. The pranayama breathing technique was very interesting both do and learn about. There are several different techniques to this method. Some of its benefits includes the increase of mental strength, improvement of anatomical functions, reduces stress, and even gives you a strong will-power. Such a simple technique has many health claims. When I was doing it, I was a bit distracted and was filled with a lot of doubt to it's functionality. By the end of it, I found it grounding because it allowed me to focus on the task and my breathing.

A common theme that I have seen on the classes that I have seen so far is the setting. The instructors are always in an open setting with natural lighting. This could mean that they have the windows open during a bright and clear day. Meanwhile I usually do yoga in the evening where the light outside is already gone and I'm in my room with music on as background noise. I will look into the more traditional classes for next week and try to diversify the classes that I take.

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